The company previously released the anime on an "Otaking Edition Subtitled Anime Blu-Ray" in 2016 following a successful Kickstarter campaign in 2015. Over 500 backers made pledges and reached the initial goal of US$40,000 within 14 hours of the fundraising campaign's launch. Kickstarter backers received the "Otaking Edition," which includes the first "1982 Otaku no Video" episode and the "1985 Zoku Otaku no Video" followup, in Japanese with English subtitles.
Gainax produced the OVA for release on VHS in 1991, and the Otaku no Video DVD Special Edition release followed in 2000. AnimEigo released the OVA on DVD in North America in 2002. The Japanese Blu-ray Disc shipped in Japan in 2014.
Source: Press release