
Mayonaka Punch Anime Streams Animated Short for Ichiko on YouTube

Mayonaka Punch Anime Streams Animated Short for...

Kadokawa and P.A. Works premiered a short anime on YouTube for its original anime project Mayonaka Punch (Midnight Punch) on Monday. The short, titled "Ichiko! Hajimete no Machi de Otsukai" (Ichiko! First Errand in Town), follows Ichiko on her...

Mayonaka Punch Anime Streams Animated Short for...

Kadokawa and P.A. Works premiered a short anime on YouTube for its original anime project Mayonaka Punch (Midnight Punch) on Monday. The short, titled "Ichiko! Hajimete no Machi de Otsukai" (Ichiko! First Errand in Town), follows Ichiko on her...

Bleach: Rebirth of Souls Game's Character Trailer Previews Yoruichi

Bleach: Rebirth of Souls Game's Character Trail...

Bandai Namco Entertainment revealed on Monday a new English character trailer for Bleach: Rebirth of Souls, a new 3D arena fighting game for the Bleach franchise for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam. The trailers introduces the...

Bleach: Rebirth of Souls Game's Character Trail...

Bandai Namco Entertainment revealed on Monday a new English character trailer for Bleach: Rebirth of Souls, a new 3D arena fighting game for the Bleach franchise for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam. The trailers introduces the...

Muv-Luv Franchise Gets Strategy RPG Muv-Luv Tactics

Muv-Luv Franchise Gets Strategy RPG Muv-Luv Tac...

aNCHOR Co., Ltd. announced on Monday a new strategy role-playing game in the Muv-Luv franchise tentatively titled Muv-Luv Tactics. The company streamed a teaser trailer: aNCHOR will reveal more information at a "Muv-Luv Day" event on...

Muv-Luv Franchise Gets Strategy RPG Muv-Luv Tac...

aNCHOR Co., Ltd. announced on Monday a new strategy role-playing game in the Muv-Luv franchise tentatively titled Muv-Luv Tactics. The company streamed a teaser trailer: aNCHOR will reveal more information at a "Muv-Luv Day" event on...

Pokémon Voice Actress Rachael Lillis Dies at 46

Pokémon Voice Actress Rachael Lillis Dies at 46

Voice actress Veronica Taylor (Ash from Pokémon) revealed on Monday that voice actress Rachael Lillis died on the evening of August 10. She had been battling breast cancer. She was 46. Taylor wrote that Lillis'...

Pokémon Voice Actress Rachael Lillis Dies at 46

Voice actress Veronica Taylor (Ash from Pokémon) revealed on Monday that voice actress Rachael Lillis died on the evening of August 10. She had been battling breast cancer. She was 46. Taylor wrote that Lillis'...

Netflix Streams The First Slam Dunk Film in U.S. on August 25

Netflix Streams The First Slam Dunk Film in U.S...

Netflix announced on Twitter/X on Sunday that it will begin streaming The First Slam Dunk, the anime film of Takehiko Inoue's Slam Dunk basketball manga, in the United States on August 25. The film opened in Japan in December 2022,...

Netflix Streams The First Slam Dunk Film in U.S...

Netflix announced on Twitter/X on Sunday that it will begin streaming The First Slam Dunk, the anime film of Takehiko Inoue's Slam Dunk basketball manga, in the United States on August 25. The film opened in Japan in December 2022,...

Anime NYC Hosts Daigo Ikeda

Anime NYC Hosts Daigo Ikeda

The staff for the Anime NYC event announced on Wednesday that it will host system manager Daigo Ikeda at this year's event. Ikeda began his career at Synergy SP in production management. He has worked on Godzilla...

Anime NYC Hosts Daigo Ikeda

The staff for the Anime NYC event announced on Wednesday that it will host system manager Daigo Ikeda at this year's event. Ikeda began his career at Synergy SP in production management. He has worked on Godzilla...