
Crunchyroll Streams 2nd Season of Megaton Musashi Anime

Crunchyroll Streams 2nd Season of Megaton Musas...

Crunchyroll began streaming the second season of the television anime for Level 5's Megaton-kyū Musashi multimedia project on Wednesday. The anime's first season premiered on Tokyo MX and BS Fuji in October 2021 and aired its final episode in December 2021. The...

Crunchyroll Streams 2nd Season of Megaton Musas...

Crunchyroll began streaming the second season of the television anime for Level 5's Megaton-kyū Musashi multimedia project on Wednesday. The anime's first season premiered on Tokyo MX and BS Fuji in October 2021 and aired its final episode in December 2021. The...

Tribe Nine Game's 'Shinagawa Chapter' Gameplay Trailer Streamed

Tribe Nine Game's 'Shinagawa Chapter' Gameplay ...

Akatsuki and Too Kyo Games revealed a new "Shinagawa Chapter" gameplay trailer on Friday for the Tribe Nine project's 3D action role-playing game. Akatsuki and Too Kyo Games will release the game's global beta test in August....

Tribe Nine Game's 'Shinagawa Chapter' Gameplay ...

Akatsuki and Too Kyo Games revealed a new "Shinagawa Chapter" gameplay trailer on Friday for the Tribe Nine project's 3D action role-playing game. Akatsuki and Too Kyo Games will release the game's global beta test in August....

Manga UP! Global Adds The Reincarnated Marriage of a Hero and Sage Manga

Manga UP! Global Adds The Reincarnated Marriage...

Manga UP! Global started releasing writer Washiro Fujiki, character designer Heiro, and artist Riku Nishi's The Reincarnated Marriage of a Hero and Sage (Eiyū to Kenja no Tensei Kon: Katsute no Kōtekishu to Konyaku Shite Saikyō...

Manga UP! Global Adds The Reincarnated Marriage...

Manga UP! Global started releasing writer Washiro Fujiki, character designer Heiro, and artist Riku Nishi's The Reincarnated Marriage of a Hero and Sage (Eiyū to Kenja no Tensei Kon: Katsute no Kōtekishu to Konyaku Shite Saikyō...

Ultraman: Along Came a Spider-Man Crossover Manga Launches Simultaneously in English, Japanese on August 13

Ultraman: Along Came a Spider-Man Crossover Man...

Viz Media's panel at San Diego Comic-Con on Thursday revealed that it is partnering with Tsuburaya Productions and Marvel for a Ultraman and Spider-Man crossover manga series titled Ultraman: Along Came a Spider-Man.   Image via Tsuburaya Productions...

Ultraman: Along Came a Spider-Man Crossover Man...

Viz Media's panel at San Diego Comic-Con on Thursday revealed that it is partnering with Tsuburaya Productions and Marvel for a Ultraman and Spider-Man crossover manga series titled Ultraman: Along Came a Spider-Man.   Image via Tsuburaya Productions...

Square Enix 'Not Considering' Canceling The Apothecary Diaries Manga After Author's Sentence

Square Enix 'Not Considering' Canceling The Apo...

The IT Media News site reported on Wednesday that Square Enix informed the news site that the company is "not particularly considering canceling" Nekokurage's The Apothecary Diaries manga, after Nekokurage was handed down a suspended sentence on Wednesday. The...

Square Enix 'Not Considering' Canceling The Apo...

The IT Media News site reported on Wednesday that Square Enix informed the news site that the company is "not particularly considering canceling" Nekokurage's The Apothecary Diaries manga, after Nekokurage was handed down a suspended sentence on Wednesday. The...

SAG-AFTRA Union Declares Strike Against Video Game Companies Starting on Friday

SAG-AFTRA Union Declares Strike Against Video G...

The Screen Actors Guild - American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) labor union announced on Thursday that union members who work on video games will be going on...

SAG-AFTRA Union Declares Strike Against Video G...

The Screen Actors Guild - American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) labor union announced on Thursday that union members who work on video games will be going on...