
'Bungo Stray Dogs: Dazai, Chuuya, Age Fifteen' Manga Listed to End With 4th Volume

'Bungo Stray Dogs: Dazai, Chuuya, Age Fifteen' ...

Amazon is listing the fourth compiled book volume of Shiwasu Hoshikawa's Bungo Stray Dogs: Dazai, Chuuya, Age Fifteen manga spinoff of Kafka Asagiri and Sango Harukawa's Bungo Stray Dogs light novel series as the final volume. The volume...

'Bungo Stray Dogs: Dazai, Chuuya, Age Fifteen' ...

Amazon is listing the fourth compiled book volume of Shiwasu Hoshikawa's Bungo Stray Dogs: Dazai, Chuuya, Age Fifteen manga spinoff of Kafka Asagiri and Sango Harukawa's Bungo Stray Dogs light novel series as the final volume. The volume...

Shin-Ei Animation Animates for Ryan's World the Movie: Titan Universe Adventure Film

Shin-Ei Animation Animates for Ryan's World the...

Children's YouTube channel Ryan's World revealed in a trailer for the Ryan's World the Movie: Titan Universe Adventure film in May that Shin-Ei Animation is providing animation for the mixed live-action and 2D animated film. The...

Shin-Ei Animation Animates for Ryan's World the...

Children's YouTube channel Ryan's World revealed in a trailer for the Ryan's World the Movie: Titan Universe Adventure film in May that Shin-Ei Animation is providing animation for the mixed live-action and 2D animated film. The...

Nobunagun's Hisa Masato, Artist Naoki Azuma Launch New Manga on August 22

Nobunagun's Hisa Masato, Artist Naoki Azuma Lau...

This year's combined 36th and 37th issue of Kodansha's Morning magazine revealed last Thursday that Masato Hisa and Naoki Azuma will launch a new manga titled Ryū to Rei (Dragon & Ape or literally, Dragon and Spirit) in the magazine's...

Nobunagun's Hisa Masato, Artist Naoki Azuma Lau...

This year's combined 36th and 37th issue of Kodansha's Morning magazine revealed last Thursday that Masato Hisa and Naoki Azuma will launch a new manga titled Ryū to Rei (Dragon & Ape or literally, Dragon and Spirit) in the magazine's...

Danjo no Yūjō wa Seiritsu Suru? Iya, Shinai!! Anime Reveals 2025 Premiere, Visual

Danjo no Yūjō wa Seiritsu Suru? Iya, Shinai!! A...

The staff for the television anime of Nana Nanana and Parum's Danjo no Yūjō wa Seiritsu Suru? Iya, Shinai!! (Can a Boy-Girl Friendship Hold Up? (No, it Can't!!)) light novel series announced on Friday that the anime...

Danjo no Yūjō wa Seiritsu Suru? Iya, Shinai!! A...

The staff for the television anime of Nana Nanana and Parum's Danjo no Yūjō wa Seiritsu Suru? Iya, Shinai!! (Can a Boy-Girl Friendship Hold Up? (No, it Can't!!)) light novel series announced on Friday that the anime...

The Do-Over Damsel Conquers the Dragon Emperor Anime's Video Reveals More Cast, October 9 Premiere

The Do-Over Damsel Conquers the Dragon Emperor ...

Kadokawa revealed a new promotional video for the television anime of Sarasa Nagase's The Do-Over Damsel Conquers the Dragon Emperor (Yarinaoshi Reijō wa Ryūtei Heika o Kōryaku-chū) novel series on Friday. The video reveals more cast...

The Do-Over Damsel Conquers the Dragon Emperor ...

Kadokawa revealed a new promotional video for the television anime of Sarasa Nagase's The Do-Over Damsel Conquers the Dragon Emperor (Yarinaoshi Reijō wa Ryūtei Heika o Kōryaku-chū) novel series on Friday. The video reveals more cast...

Chitose is in the Ramune Bottle Light Novels Get TV Anime in 2025

Chitose is in the Ramune Bottle Light Novels Ge...

Hiromu and raemz' Chitose Is in the Ramune Bottle (Chitose-kun wa Ramune Bin no Naka) light novel series is inspiring a television anime adaptation in 2025. The website streamed a promotional video:   Image...

Chitose is in the Ramune Bottle Light Novels Ge...

Hiromu and raemz' Chitose Is in the Ramune Bottle (Chitose-kun wa Ramune Bin no Naka) light novel series is inspiring a television anime adaptation in 2025. The website streamed a promotional video:   Image...