Medaka Kuroiwa is Impervious to My Charms Anime...
Crunchyroll announced the English dub cast and January 20 premiere date on Sunday for the television anime of Ran Kuze's Medaka Kuroiwa is Impervious to My Charms (Kuroiwa Medaka ni Watashi no Kawaii ga Tsūjinai) manga. The dub cast includes:...
Medaka Kuroiwa is Impervious to My Charms Anime...
Crunchyroll announced the English dub cast and January 20 premiere date on Sunday for the television anime of Ran Kuze's Medaka Kuroiwa is Impervious to My Charms (Kuroiwa Medaka ni Watashi no Kawaii ga Tsūjinai) manga. The dub cast includes:...
Live-Action Trillion Game Film Casts Dance Perf...
The official X (formerly Twitter) account for the upcoming live-action film of Riichirou Inagaki and Ryōichi Ikegami's Trillion Game manga revealed on Monday that dance performer Takahiro Ueno (TAKAHIRO) will join the film's cast as the leader of...
Live-Action Trillion Game Film Casts Dance Perf...
The official X (formerly Twitter) account for the upcoming live-action film of Riichirou Inagaki and Ryōichi Ikegami's Trillion Game manga revealed on Monday that dance performer Takahiro Ueno (TAKAHIRO) will join the film's cast as the leader of...
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeo...
The official X (formerly Twitter) account of Bushiroad's Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?: Fulland of Water and Light (Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darō...
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeo...
The official X (formerly Twitter) account of Bushiroad's Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?: Fulland of Water and Light (Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darō...
Gundam GQuuuuuuX -Beginning- Film Opens at #1, ...
The Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX -Beginning- anime film debuted at #1 in the Japanese box office in its opening weekend, while COLORFUL STAGE! The Movie: A Miku Who Can't Sing debuted at #2. The...
Gundam GQuuuuuuX -Beginning- Film Opens at #1, ...
The Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX -Beginning- anime film debuted at #1 in the Japanese box office in its opening weekend, while COLORFUL STAGE! The Movie: A Miku Who Can't Sing debuted at #2. The...
Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto Disturbance Anime Casts ...
The official X/Twitter account for Rurouni Kenshin Meiji Kenkaku Romantan: Kyoto Dōran (Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto Disturbance), the second season of the new television anime project based on Nobuhiro Watsuki's Rurouni Kenshin manga, confirmed on Monday...
Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto Disturbance Anime Casts ...
The official X/Twitter account for Rurouni Kenshin Meiji Kenkaku Romantan: Kyoto Dōran (Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto Disturbance), the second season of the new television anime project based on Nobuhiro Watsuki's Rurouni Kenshin manga, confirmed on Monday...
One Piece Anime Streams New 5-Minute Original E...
The official YouTube channel of the One Piece franchise started streaming on Sunday a five-minute original anime episode featuring Luffy and Trafalgar Law. The episode was first screened on the second day of the "MBS Anime...
One Piece Anime Streams New 5-Minute Original E...
The official YouTube channel of the One Piece franchise started streaming on Sunday a five-minute original anime episode featuring Luffy and Trafalgar Law. The episode was first screened on the second day of the "MBS Anime...