
The Magical Girl and The Evil Lieutenant Used to Be Archenemies Anime's Main Promo Video Reveals Theme Songs

The Magical Girl and The Evil Lieutenant Used t...

The official website for The Magical Girl and The Evil Lieutenant Used to Be Archenemies, the television anime of late creator Cocoa Fujiwara's Katsute Mahō Shōjo to Aku wa Tekitai Shiteita. manga, revealed the main promotional video on...

The Magical Girl and The Evil Lieutenant Used t...

The official website for The Magical Girl and The Evil Lieutenant Used to Be Archenemies, the television anime of late creator Cocoa Fujiwara's Katsute Mahō Shōjo to Aku wa Tekitai Shiteita. manga, revealed the main promotional video on...

Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian Anime Reveals Masha Character Video

Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian An...

Kadokawa unveiled a character video on Friday highlighting the character Maria "Masha" Mikhailovna Kujō for the anime of writer Sunsunsun and artist Momoco's Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian (Tokidoki Bosotto Russia-go de Dereru Tonari no Alya-san)...

Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian An...

Kadokawa unveiled a character video on Friday highlighting the character Maria "Masha" Mikhailovna Kujō for the anime of writer Sunsunsun and artist Momoco's Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian (Tokidoki Bosotto Russia-go de Dereru Tonari no Alya-san)...

Live-Action Takara's Treasure Show's Teaser Video Previews Androp's Ending Theme

Live-Action Takara's Treasure Show's Teaser Vid...

The official X/Twitter account for the live-action adaptation of Minta Suzumaru's Takara's Treasure (Takara no Vidro) boys-love manga began streaming a teaser video on Thursday. The video reveals and previews androp's ending theme song "Vidro." androp specifically...

Live-Action Takara's Treasure Show's Teaser Vid...

The official X/Twitter account for the live-action adaptation of Minta Suzumaru's Takara's Treasure (Takara no Vidro) boys-love manga began streaming a teaser video on Thursday. The video reveals and previews androp's ending theme song "Vidro." androp specifically...

A Nobody's Way Up to an Exploration Hero Anime's 3rd Promo Video Previews Theme Song by May'n

A Nobody's Way Up to an Exploration Hero Anime'...

The official website for A Nobody's Way Up to an Exploration Hero, the television anime adaptation of Kaito's Mob kara Hajimaru Tansaku Eiyūtan light novel series, revealed a second key visual and a third promotional video...

A Nobody's Way Up to an Exploration Hero Anime'...

The official website for A Nobody's Way Up to an Exploration Hero, the television anime adaptation of Kaito's Mob kara Hajimaru Tansaku Eiyūtan light novel series, revealed a second key visual and a third promotional video...

Udon Entertainment announced on Friday that manga creator and illustrator Kenichi Sonoda will attend this year's Comic-Con International San Diego, which will take place on July 25 to 28 at the San Diego Convention Center.

Udon Entertainment announced on Friday that man...

GKIDS is bringing Mamoru Oshii's Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence to theaters from June 23rd to 26th in celebration of its 20th anniversary. This follows the 2021 limited theatrical run of the 4K...

Udon Entertainment announced on Friday that man...

GKIDS is bringing Mamoru Oshii's Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence to theaters from June 23rd to 26th in celebration of its 20th anniversary. This follows the 2021 limited theatrical run of the 4K...

Udon Ent. to Release Bubblegum Crisis: Complete Archive Artbook; Kenichi Sonoda Attends San Diego Comic-Con

Udon Ent. to Release Bubblegum Crisis: Complete...

Udon Entertainment announced on Friday that manga creator and illustrator Kenichi Sonoda will attend this year's Comic-Con International San Diego, which will take place on July 25 to 28 at the San Diego...

Udon Ent. to Release Bubblegum Crisis: Complete...

Udon Entertainment announced on Friday that manga creator and illustrator Kenichi Sonoda will attend this year's Comic-Con International San Diego, which will take place on July 25 to 28 at the San Diego...